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Shenzhen Baoling Electronics Co., Ltd.
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Location:Home>> PRODUCTS >>Textiles & Leather Products>>Towels>>View Details

Product Name:Pink Green Red Orange Purple Yellow Instant Ice Cooling Sport Chilly Towels
Product Series:Textiles & Leather Products
Market Price:6.00    
Updated:2024-9-17 8:50:36


Cold feeling fabric contains no chemicals, polymer material, adhesive agent, crystal, or phase change materials.Fiber is used in the security without excitant fiber, this kind of fabric compared to common moisture-proof fabric has characteristics of lightweight, breathable, wear comfortable."COOLCORE" cold feeling fabric has the world's leading technology, functional fabrics absorbed on the surface of the water and sweat during exercise, effective control of slow evaporation of moisture to disperse the heat, can reduce the temperature to human skin temperature maintained at optimum condition.Composed, unique variety of fiber structure is like blood capillary density mesh structure, the structure of the depth of the water molecules can be absorbed into the fiber core, and then its compression fabric fiber gap, the unique combination of different fiber and interaction, which is generated when the evaporation of moisture loss by smart suppression, and retained for a long time inside the fiber.COOLCORE cool feeling fabrics by absorbing heat to adjust temperature, cool factor brings to people's skin a cool comfort.Applicable Yu Liang sense of fabrics for underwear fabrics, shirt fabrics, bedding fabrics, mountaineering wear, golf clothing, leisure series, clothing fabrics, all kinds of apparel fabrics, home textiles fabrics, textile industry such as sports, military, medical, cold feeling of resistance to heat and cooling technology fabrics.Has developed mature cold feeling fabric series products, including sports wear, sports protective equipment and falls treatment appliance, etc., comfort, safety, not only can increase the sport can help athletes more quickly reduce the body temperature, restores the physical strength after exercise.


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